Life Insurance for Seniors with Diabetes

life insurance for seniors with diabetes

Key Takeaways:


  • Seniors with diabetes can obtain life insurance, although options may be more limited and premiums higher
  • Working with an experienced insurance broker and comparing quotes from multiple insurers can help find the best coverage
  • Demonstrating good control of diabetes through regular treatment and lifestyle management can improve insurability
  • Guaranteed issue and simplified issue policies offer coverage without a medical exam, but with lower death benefits and higher premiums
  • Planning ahead and purchasing life insurance earlier in life can provide more options and lower costs for seniors with diabetes

As a senior with diabetes, you may wonder if obtaining life insurance is still possible or worthwhile. The good news is that many insurance companies offer coverage to individuals with diabetes, although the options may be more limited and the premiums higher compared to those without the condition. By understanding your options and taking proactive steps to manage your health, you can secure a financial legacy for your loved ones.

Why Life Insurance Matters for Seniors with Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can lead to serious health complications, such as heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and nerve damage. According to the American Diabetes Association, over 34 million Americans have diabetes, with the highest prevalence among those aged 65 and older.

While advances in medical treatment have helped people with diabetes live longer, healthier lives, the condition still poses a higher mortality risk. This reality underscores the importance of having life insurance to protect your family’s financial well-being in the event of your passing.

Life insurance provides numerous benefits for seniors with diabetes and their loved ones, including:

  1. Income replacement: If your spouse or family relies on your income, life insurance can help replace that income and maintain their standard of living after you’re gone.
  2. Debt payoff: Life insurance proceeds can be used to pay off outstanding debts, such as a mortgage, car loan, or credit card balances, relieving your family of financial burdens.
  3. Final expenses: Funeral and burial costs can be substantial. A life insurance policy can cover these expenses, easing the financial strain on your loved ones during an already difficult time.
  4. Estate planning: Life insurance can be a valuable tool in estate planning, providing liquidity to pay estate taxes or equalizing inheritances among beneficiaries.
  5. Charitable giving: If you have a favorite charity or cause, you can designate a portion of your life insurance proceeds as a charitable gift, leaving a lasting legacy of generosity.

By securing life insurance coverage, seniors with diabetes can gain peace of mind knowing that their loved ones will be financially protected and their final wishes carried out.

Factors Affecting Life Insurance Eligibility and Premiums for Seniors with Diabetes

When assessing life insurance eligibility and premiums for seniors with diabetes, insurers consider several factors related to the management and severity of the condition. These factors include:

  1. Age at diagnosis: The younger you were when diagnosed with diabetes, the higher your risk may be perceived by insurers, as there is more time for complications to develop.
  2. Type of diabetes: Generally, individuals with Type 2 diabetes are considered lower risk than those with Type 1, as Type 2 is often more manageable through lifestyle changes and medication.
  3. Blood sugar control: Insurers will review your A1C levels and other measures of blood sugar control. Consistently well-managed diabetes is viewed more favorably than poorly controlled cases.
  4. Complications: The presence and severity of diabetes-related complications, such as heart disease, kidney damage, or neuropathy, can significantly impact eligibility and premiums.
  5. Medications: The type, dosage, and adherence to prescribed diabetes medications will be considered. Insurers may also review any other medications you take for related conditions.
  6. Lifestyle factors: Your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, smoking status, and other lifestyle factors that impact diabetes management will be assessed.
  7. Overall health: Insurers will evaluate your overall health, including any other pre-existing conditions or risk factors, in conjunction with your diabetes status.

The more favorable your profile across these factors, the more likely you are to be approved for coverage and secure more affordable premiums. Working closely with your healthcare provider to manage your diabetes and maintain good overall health can improve your life insurance prospects.

Types of Life Insurance Available to Seniors with Diabetes

Seniors with diabetes have several life insurance options to consider, each with its own benefits, limitations, and costs. The most common types include:

  1. Term Life Insurance Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years. If you pass away during the term, your beneficiaries receive the death benefit. Term policies often offer the highest death benefit amounts at the lowest premiums, making them a popular choice for seniors with diabetes who are in relatively good health.

However, qualifying for term life insurance with diabetes may require a more extensive underwriting process, including a medical exam and detailed health questionnaire. Premiums will be higher compared to those without diabetes, and some seniors may not qualify for standard term coverage based on their age, diabetes severity, or other health factors.

  1. Whole Life Insurance Whole life insurance provides permanent coverage that lasts your entire lifetime, as long as premiums are paid. These policies often have a savings component, known as the cash value, which grows tax-deferred over time and can be borrowed against or withdrawn for future needs.

Seniors with well-managed diabetes may qualify for whole life insurance, although the underwriting process will still consider their condition. Premiums for whole life policies are generally higher than term policies, but the coverage is guaranteed for life, and the cash value can provide additional financial flexibility.

  1. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Guaranteed issue life insurance policies offer coverage without a medical exam or health questionnaire. As the name suggests, approval is guaranteed, making these policies an option for seniors with diabetes who may not qualify for other types of coverage due to their age or health status.

However, guaranteed issue policies come with some limitations. Death benefits are typically lower than other policy types, often capped at $25,000 to $50,000. Premiums are also higher for the amount of coverage provided, as insurers assume more risk by not assessing individual health factors. Additionally, these policies often have graded death benefits, meaning that if you pass away within the first few years of the policy, your beneficiaries may receive only a portion of the full death benefit.

  1. Simplified Issue Life Insurance Simplified issue life insurance policies offer a middle ground between fully underwritten policies and guaranteed issue coverage. These policies typically require applicants to answer a few health questions, but do not require a medical exam. The application process is streamlined, and coverage can often be obtained more quickly than fully underwritten policies.

Like guaranteed issue policies, simplified issue policies may have lower death benefit amounts and higher premiums compared to fully underwritten policies. However, they can be a good option for seniors with diabetes who may not qualify for standard coverage but are in relatively good health overall.

Tips for Obtaining Life Insurance as a Senior with Diabetes

While securing life insurance as a senior with diabetes can be more challenging and costly, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your chances of getting coverage and finding the best policy for your needs:

  1. Work with an experienced insurance broker: An independent insurance broker who specializes in high-risk or impaired risk cases can help you navigate the complex landscape of life insurance for seniors with diabetes. They can assess your individual needs, compare quotes from multiple insurers, and advocate on your behalf to secure the best coverage possible.
  2. Demonstrate good control of your diabetes: Insurers will view your application more favorably if you can show a history of well-managed diabetes through regular check-ups, adherence to prescribed treatments, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Provide detailed records of your diabetes care, including A1C levels, medication history, and any positive trends in your health markers.
  3. Be honest and thorough in your application: Disclose all relevant information about your diabetes and overall health on your life insurance application. Omitting or misrepresenting information can lead to denial of coverage or even policy cancellation down the road. Be prepared to provide details about your diagnosis, treatment, and any complications or related conditions.
  4. Consider a term policy with a conversion option: If you qualify for a term life insurance policy, look for one that includes a conversion option. This allows you to convert your term coverage into a permanent policy at a later date without additional underwriting. As you age or if your health status changes, having the ability to convert to a permanent policy can provide valuable protection.
  5. Plan ahead and shop around: If possible, start exploring life insurance options and securing coverage earlier in life, before age-related health issues or diabetes complications become more severe. This can improve your chances of qualifying for coverage and locking in more affordable rates. Be sure to compare quotes and policy features from multiple insurers to find the best value for your needs and budget.

By working with a knowledgeable insurance professional, being proactive about your diabetes management, and exploring all available options, seniors with diabetes can successfully obtain life insurance coverage to protect their loved ones and secure their financial legacies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: Can I get life insurance if I have Type 1 diabetes?
    A: Yes, although the options may be more limited and premiums higher compared to those with Type 2 diabetes. Some insurers may offer tailored policies for individuals with Type 1 diabetes, and working with an experienced broker can help you navigate the application process.
  2. Q: How much does life insurance for seniors with diabetes typically cost?
    A: Premiums for life insurance for seniors with diabetes will depend on factors such as age, type and severity of diabetes, overall health, and policy type. Generally, premiums will be higher compared to those without diabetes, but shopping around and demonstrating good management of the condition can help secure more affordable rates.
  3. Q: Can I be denied life insurance because of my diabetes?
    A: While having diabetes can make it more challenging to obtain life insurance, being denied coverage outright is relatively uncommon, especially if you explore all available policy options, such as guaranteed issue or simplified issue coverage. Working with a skilled broker can also help navigate the application process and advocate for your coverage.
  4. Q: What if my diabetes is not well controlled? Can I still get life insurance?
    A: If your diabetes is poorly managed, obtaining life insurance may be more difficult or expensive, but options are still available. Guaranteed issue policies, for example, do not require any medical underwriting, although they come with lower death benefits and higher premiums. Taking steps to improve your diabetes management can help increase your life insurance options over time.
  5. Q: Are there any diabetes-specific life insurance policies available for seniors?
    A: Some insurers may offer life insurance policies tailored specifically for individuals with diabetes, with underwriting guidelines that take into account the unique challenges of managing the condition. These policies may have more flexible eligibility criteria or offer additional benefits related to diabetes care. An experienced broker can help you identify and compare any diabetes-specific policy options available.


While obtaining life insurance as a senior with diabetes can present unique challenges, it is still an achievable and essential goal for protecting your loved ones and securing your financial legacy. With a proactive approach to managing your health, working with a knowledgeable insurance professional, and exploring all available policy options, you can successfully navigate the life insurance landscape and find coverage that meets your needs.

Remember that demonstrating good control of your diabetes through regular care, adherence to treatment, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve your insurability and help secure more favorable policy terms. Don’t hesitate to shop around, compare quotes, and ask questions to ensure you are getting the best value for your life insurance investment.

Ultimately, the peace of mind that comes with knowing your loved ones will be financially protected is invaluable. By taking steps to secure life insurance coverage as a senior with diabetes, you can ensure that your legacy lives on and your final wishes are carried out, no matter what the future holds.

American Diabetes Association – Statistics About Diabetes